April 28, 2017
“Where the Fast Lane Ends” is a family-friendly, independent film that tells the heartwarming story about a businessman, Jack Morgan, who revisits his hometown to speak at an FFA event. While home he is followed by a renowned investigative reporter set on destroying his reputation, his company, and the agriculture industry as a whole. With the help of his best friend and the town’s local farming community, Jack delivers a knockout speech at the FFA event and teaches a hardcore skeptic some key lessons along the way.
The film is produced by the non-profit, Farming to Fight Hunger, and is co-written and produced by Mark Miller, lead singer for Sawyer Brown. It also stars Christopher Knight (aka Peter Brady), Scott Reeves as Jack Morgan, Mac Davis as Big Jack, Melissa Reeves as Rachel Morgan, and includes a small cameo from Madison Brown from the popular RFD-TV series, “Chasing Down Madison Brown.” Madison shot a short behind-the-scenes video about the film and her cameo appearance as a waitress here.
In the U.S., less than two percent of the population lives on a working farm. “Where the Fast Lane Ends” focuses on how modern agriculture is faced by skeptics worried about food insecurity. The film is a unique and entertaining method to teach viewers across the nation about FFA and modern agriculture. Farming to Fight Hunger is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the knowledge gap between agriculture and consumers as farmers adopt scientific advances to increase the awareness of food security issues while improving public knowledge of modern agriculture.
Tune in on RFD-TV Wednesday, May 10th from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. ET, Thursday, May 11th from 10 p.m.-12 a.m. ET, and on FamilyNet on Friday, May 12th from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. ET and Sunday, May 14th from 10 p.m.-12 a.m. ET.