NCBA thanks to President Trump for executive order keeping meat processing plants open


Following President Trump’s executive order to keep beef and pork packing plants open, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association released a statement thanking the White House for keeping the supply chain intact.

“While there are currently no widespread shortages of beef, we are seeing supply chain disruptions because of plant closures and reductions in the processing speed at many, if not most, beef processing plants in the United States. We thank President Trump for his recognition of the problem and the action he has taken today to begin correcting it,” said NCBA CEO Colin Woodall. “American consumers rely on a safe, steady supply of food, and President Trump understands the importance of keeping cattle and beef moving to ensure agriculture continues to operate at a time when the nation needs it most.”

In a news release, the NCBA also stressed that the organization’s first priority was protecting the flow of cattle as there are still mounting problems.

“We understand and appreciate the difficulties facing processing plant workers during this crisis, said Woodall. “Processing plant employees play a role that is critical to the security of this nation and America’s cattle producers offer their sincere gratitude for the work they are doing to keep food shortages from compounding the complex issues we’re facing.”