68% of shoppers want grocery store transparency

Alltech is hosting a virtual agri-food outlook conference this morning. They opened up with a survey from the “Power of Meat 2020 Survey.”

It shows that 68 percent of shoppers believe it is important for grocery stores to provide transparency into how and where the livestock was raised.

Kathryn Britton with Where Food Comes From says that if 202 showed us anything, it is that authenticity matters.

“What’s so critical and what we’re seeing right now is this big drive in traceability in food production and that’s across species. Whether you are talking about animal movement or even considering the traceability of the feeds being fed to those animals. If we don’t know where that feed product is coming from or where that animal is coming from and then be able to track that through the supply chain, we can’t tell an authentic story to the consumer about that product,” she states. “Our ability to have verified authentic storytelling in food production practices is really going to matter to consumers coming in here to 2021.”

She says that the ag industry can tell its authentic story by keeping great communication all the way down the food supply chain.


Consumer campaign creates more transparency and trust in the beef industry