Farmers looking to diversify by growing sunflowers this season

Dry conditions across much of the northern sunflower region have some producers making a few spring planting changes.

The National Sunflower Association says that the crop is a good drought hedge because it grows well in dry conditions. The group says that demand is high and farmers are expanding their acreage in the Dakotas and Minnesota.

Crush plants offer attractive cash and “act of God” contracts for 2021 production.

According to the association’s executive director, John Sandbakken, “Right now, when you look at new crop new sun prices we’re north of about $27 dollars, high likes are $28 dollars, and confections are $32 dollars on up, and all three sectors are looking for acres. So, the demand has been there for all three.”

Seed supplies are plentiful and there is still time to place an order to put in some acres this growing season.

For more information click HERE.


Sunflowers a strong option for producers to consider

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