“Water Wars” are underway as producers voice their concerns about WOTUS changes

Farmers and ranchers had a chance to tell lawmakers their concerns about redefining the Waters of the U.S. rule. The EPA held a listening session in North Dakota, the first one since it announced it will re-establish the rule to a pre-2015 era.

Sen. Kevin Cramer stressed the need for a clear definition of navigable waters, and farmers called for certainty that will last more than one administration.

“Our folks say that anything that resembles what was included in the 2015 WOTUS is a nonstarter. We question whether there’s going to be a true going to the pre-2015 rule, which obviously always has had its issues also, but anything implemented from the 2015 rule is a nonstarter for those of us in agriculture,” North Dakota Farm Bureau President Daryl Lies states.

EPA is holding ten listening sessions as it works to craft a new WOTUS rule.


NCBA opposes Biden administration’s repeal of Navigable Waters Protection Rule

What is the definition of WOTUS?

Ag groups are ready to fight Navigable Waters rewrite