Are fungicides even necessary at these price points?

Corn prices are sitting at disappointing lows and inputs are still frustratingly high. It has led some farmers to question if fungicides are a necessity at these price points.

Dan Quinn with Purdue Extension says that is a loaded question. He tells Farm Progress that producers should first scout the fields before writing off any treatments. Quinn also suggests turning to technology and using the crop protection network’s fungicide calculator. It allows producers to create hypothetical situations and then advises on how to react.

Plant pathologists say every field is different and having boots on the ground is key.

“So maybe your neighbor or the person that you know is applying because he has a high incidence and severity, and he ended up with a very susceptible cultivar. But probably your cultivar is not that susceptible. So you need to scout, you need to see the disease, and you need to see if it is progressing over time to apply it. And you want to see the benefit at the end of the season. We always tell the grower that if they decide to apply, to keep a strip without fungicide, and then you can see the differences if it is beneficial for you,” said Boris Camiletti.

You can check out the fungicide tool by clicking HERE.