At the core of Johnny Scott’s mission is a desire to liberate children from the clutches of electronic devices. His goal is simple yet powerful: to usher them into the fresh air, where they can discover the joys of life beyond screens. In an era dominated by technology, Johnny recognizes the importance of exposing young minds to the outdoors, fostering an appreciation for fun and enjoyment in the natural world.
The Value of Extension Programs Johnny is a key player in Mississippi State Extension’s shooting sports program, an initiative that extends beyond the simple act of shooting arrows. These programs are invaluable because they instill discipline in children. Through the rigors of learning and mastering shooting sports, students develop a sense of discipline that permeates various aspects of their lives.
Discipline breeds courage discipline, as Johnny sees it, is the catalyst for courage. The challenges presented by shooting sports push children out of their comfort zones, encouraging them to attempt activities they might never have considered. Johnny’s commitment to teaching goes beyond the technicalities of shooting; he aims to nurture courage in his students, empowering them to tackle new and unfamiliar tasks with confidence.
The Power of Achievement When Johnny’s students achieve something positive, the transformation is palpable. He observes the swell of pride in their chests and the uplifted heads, tangible signs of newfound self-esteem. Johnny himself feels a sense of accomplishment, sharing in the joy of his student’s success. The emotional connection he has with their achievements is evident in the way he describes the exhilaration of witnessing a novice archer making a perfect shot.
Emotional Rewards of Teaching In a touching revelation, Johnny opens up about the emotional rewards he experiences as a volunteer instructor. His genuine excitement and pride are unmistakable when he speaks of the satisfaction derived from showing a child, especially one who has never held a bow before, how to release an arrow and make a perfect shot. The emotional impact is so profound that Johnny admits to getting choked up just thinking about those proud moments.