As feedstock growers look to the sky for the future of biofuels, some are looking to the sea. However, outfitting a ship to run on biomass diesel is easier said than done.
“Most folks know, or maybe don’t know, these vessels have enormous diesel engines. They probably have a lifespan of 40 or 50 years, and they’re not something that are easily swapped out. So, you’re not going to see a cargo vessel or a cruise line switch out their diesel locomotion for any other alternative fuel, like BV or compressed natural gas or something like that,” said Kurt Kovarik, vice president of federal affairs with Clean Fuels Alliance America.
Biofuel groups are backing the Renewable Fuel for Ocean Going Vessels Act, as it would allow companies using renewable fuels on their ships to claim credits under the RFS. The Clean Fuels Alliance calls it common sense legislation and says it would remove regulatory roadblocks.