Clean energy crop, CFAA, wants larger biodiesel volumes under RFS

A clean energy group is calling on the EPA to boost future bio-diesel volumes under the Renewable Fuel Standard, saying only moderate increases are hurting the industry.

This comes after Chevron Renewable Energy Group recently shuttered two Midwestern bio-diesel plants. They placed the closures on poor market conditions coming off weak bio-diesel volumes under the RFS.

Kurt Kovarik with Clean Fuels Alliance America tells Brownfield Ag News they warned the EPA about possible plant closures. He notes domestic production went up 1 billion gallons year-over-year in 2023.

USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small is hitting the road to promote domestic biofuel production. She will be in Fontana, California tomorrow for an event highlighting the Department’s plan to spend half a billion dollars on blending infrastructure.

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