Congress is keeping eyes on China’s recent farmland buy in the U.S.

Congress is paying close attention to a recent purchase of farmland in Minnesota.

A Chinese company plans to build an EV battery plant on the site, but lawmakers say it is raising safety concerns.

“Gotion is a Chinese-based company that it is buying farmland. It is a hundred miles from a National Guard location where a lot of training is done. Fortunately, there is a process, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. has jurisdiction over this project. And I hope that they will come back with a report that says, this is not the place for a Chinese-based plant. We’ve seen hundreds of incidents of gate-crashing at military bases from foreign nationals, many of them Chinese,” said Michigan Republican John Moolenaar.

China owns less than one percent of foreign holdings here in the United States. USDA has taken action recently to improve data collection, and more studies are planned on foreign purchases of ag land.

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