No matter what you raise or where you farm, crop insurance can help protect your operation.
Rural America has experienced another difficult year, making a strong farm safety net essential to protecting America’s food, fuel, and fiber supply. Crop insurance is the cornerstone of this safety net and provides a reliable risk management tool to America’s farmers and ranchers.
Tom Zacharias is the president of the National Crop Insurance Services. “America’s farmers and ranchers have experienced extreme weather and market uncertainties this year, as well as dealing with the effects of the pandemic. Throughout the year, crop insurance has been there to help farmers endure these hardships and help them manage their risks,” Zacharias states. “Our industry is thankful to be a trusted partner with the farm community and we’re proud to help them protect more than 90 percent of planted acres.”
This year, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new risks and uncertainties.
According to Zacharias, “America’s farmers and ranchers never stopped their essential work of feeding America. That’s why crop insurance companies, their agents, and adjusters and our partners at USDA and the Risk Management Agency have continually worked to support the farm community. It has been our priority to maintain our incredible record of service to the American farmer during these difficult times.”
He emphasized that the unique private-public relationship, that is the foundation of crop insurance, has allowed the industry to pivot quickly to face new challenges.
“Crop insurance utilizes private-sector efficiencies and innovation to quickly deliver to the farm community. That’s why crop insurance is agriculture’s most effective risk management tool,” he explains. “The industry and the Risk Management Agency have also worked this year to strengthen crop insurance and expand the insurance options available to farmers.”
This year demonstrated once again the incredible value of crop insurance and underscored the need for Congress to protect a strong crop insurance system.
“It would be an understatement to say that farmers face an unpredictable future, but fortunately crop insurance is a predictable risk management tool, and our industry has a demonstrated record of success,” he adds. “That’s why farmers continue to invest in crop insurance, purchasing one million crop insurance policies in 2020. Going forward, it is essential that crop insurance remains affordable, widely available, and economically viable.”
America’s farmers and ranchers have continued to work hard to produce the world’s safest and most affordable food and fiber supply.
“No doubt, new uncertainties lie ahead, but we are stronger together. America’s farmers and ranchers can rest easier knowing that their local crop insurance agents, adjusters, and crop insurance companies stand ready to quickly provide a helping hand when it is needed.”