Do you feel the ag economy is currently in a recession? Several economists do

A new poll, looking at 70 ag economists, shows more than 75 percent believe the ag economy is in a recession, which is up 56 percent last month.

The Farm Journal found market volatility is a main driver. Tommy Grisafi took a closer look on the Cow Guy Close and says farmers need to be vigilant next year.

“25 looks incredibly tough because the cost of production. Actually increases for 25 as the price of commodities have come down, but it feels to me due to exports and other things have just happened. If I was sitting here. Two weeks ago, I’d say boy acts in big trouble. But today, with bushels, with these prices, with kerry, and how much capital you know, you quoted the market on break and you’re like ohh, share the dows up and the massicks up. When I was in here an hour ago they were. All lower on. The day? Yeah. I don’t know if it’s a rigged game or not, but things are going up.”

Economists and traders are not the only ones holding their breath heading in to next year. AgriNews found farmer sentiment about the ag economy has reached its lowest levels since 2016.