Drought Roundtable: How two close states differ in conditions

The latest drought monitor was released this morning and it shows much of the Midwest and Southeast saw some needed relief.

An active weather pattern brought some places more than five inches this week. However, dry conditions continued in the Northeast, West and Southern plains. The term ‘flash drought’ was even brought into play, which is similar to a flash flood, but it means drought comes up quickly within a month or so. That was seen in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Monsoon rains continued on in Arizona and New Mexico, with those areas seeing some relief.

Tommy Grisafi with Advance Trading Inc. and Arlan Suderman with StoneX Financial Inc. joined RFD-TV’s own Suzanne Alexander in a roundtable about how farmers in their states are experiencing very different conditions.


Drought Roundtable: Analysts reveal how farmers in their states are feeling the brunt

From Flash Droughts to Windstorms: The latest on weather impacting ag country

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