The 2022 Census of Agriculture was a large undertaking, requiring government and the public to work together. The 2022 report was more than 600 pages long, holding troves of data, including farm structures and the vital roles that FarmHers play in their success.
“Farms with at least one female producer are much less likely to be operated by a single person. Most women are involved in farms with other people. Just 11% of farms with a female producer have just one person involved, while men are much more likely to be operating farms as sole operators of that farming operation. Female producers account for 36% of all producers, while almost 65%, 68% to be exact, of farms have at least one female producer on the operation. On average, farms with female producers are smaller,—both in acreage and in sales.”
Virginia Harris, USDA
The report also found farms in the Western part of the country are more likely to have female producers than farms in the Midwest.