FMMO Hearings Continue: What ag groups are looking for and when changes could take effect

After several weeks off, hearings over the Federal Milk Marketing Order have resumed.

Roger Cryan with the American Farm Bureau says they are keeping a close eye on discussions over price differentials.

“Well, the big thing we’re looking forward to is presenting our proposal to raise the Class Two differential, which right now is 70 cents per hundredweight, and we are proposing to raise that to $1.56 per hundredweight, and I look forward to USDA recognizing that the logic of their decision for order reform means that they really should be increasing the Class Two price for the benefit of farmers.”

The Farm Bureau says the hearings likely will not wrap up by the end of the week and will need to resume in January. Cryan says each additional month it takes to finish these discussions just further delays implementation, which is slated for early 2025.

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