Crop producers are facing some tough times ahead, and for soybean growers, the Farm Bill is one of their largest priorities.
Some Wisconsin soybean farmers recently went to the nation’s capitol to talk about several topics, including trade.
“Up until the farm bill is passed, that’s kind of our top priority, meeting with our different legislators, chatting about the farm bill, and the importance it is of getting a meaningful one passed. Also, another topic of discussion, of course, is biofuels, biodiesel, and any other trade or advocacy thing that comes up. Trade is the name of the game for us. Most of our beans end up leaving the country and going to some of these other countries, and China is a huge part of that. They’re our number one partner. So as much as we want to make sure that they’re a fair trade partner and a lot of the other industries and a lot of the stuff we deal with in the world, we also have to remember that they’re a big customer. They’re our number one customer, so we just got to be aware of our interactions with them and what it means to the bottom line of local farms,” said Treasurer for the Wisconsin Soybean Association Matt Rehberg.
While in DC, they got a chance to visit the Moroccan Embassy to talk about trade opportunities. Group leaders say opportunities there would also open doors to Africa as a market for U.S. soybeans.