Make sure you keep these things in mind when preparing for #Harvest24

Harvest is officially underway, but most farmers are still in the prep-work phase.

Don Van Hauweling with Van Wall Equipment says now is the time for a last-minute look at the operator’s manual.

“As I look at the combines, the thing that I really pay attention to is wear items, and everything from concaves to cylinder bars to feeder house chains to the knives and the choppers,” he explains. “You know, those things need to be 100% to match up with these big crop fields that we’re going to be facing.”

Along with checking your safety equipment before harvest, do not forget to give your finances a look.
An ag consultant suggests making sure all your operating notes are in order and having a chat with your banker about harvest costs. This way, you will have room to handle any repairs or unexpected expenses that come up.

Fall harvest can be busy and dangerous, making farm safety essential this time of year. That is why next week kicks off National Farm Safety and Health Week.

One big concern in dry areas is the risk of combine fires.

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