The New World Screwworm has also been a threat to the ag industry, and it has already caused a shutdown of cattle into the United States from Mexico. That route could soon reopen, and it is something that R-Calf finds concerning.
“We’re watching this very closely. The USDA is going to be required to report in the federal register, a decision if it does in fact, intend to reopen the border. While the screwworm problem remains a significant threat to our industry, are we going to strengthen our import controls to ensure that we do not introduce pernicious diseases that could adversely affect our entire domestic cattle industry? This is one that is glaring up in the face right now,” said Bill Bullard.
Last month, USDA rolled out an unorthodox plan to help protect the livestock industry from the New World Screwworm. They released male flies that are sterile, aiming to decrease the population.