Mississippi River

Weather news and maritime trade news related to the Mississippi River from RFD-TV News.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has significantly adjusted its spring weather outlook this year, notably removing the word ‘flood’ from its forecast.
The drought along the Mississippi River is over, for now, according to the Army Corps of Engineers.
An independent grocery store is making a big difference in the community of Marks, Mississippi, a small town in the Mississippi Delta region that was long considered a “food desert.”
For the second year in a row, transportation along the Mississippi River was impacted by drought. Export delays along with increased prices are impacting the competitiveness of U.S. corn in the world market, with buyers moving toward Brazilian crops.
Recent rainfall may bring good news for farmers trying to ship crops along the Mississippi River this harvest season. However, conditions are not looking quite as mighty for barges trying to make it through the Panama Canal.
Record-low water levels are popping up along the Mighty Mississippi.
Low water levels on the Mississippi River are mimicking last year and now the USDA has released data showing conditions are actually worse right now than this time in 2022.
The markets expert also says low river levels on the key transportation corridor could also disrupt trade.