National Ag Day is when producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies, and countless others across America gather to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by American agriculture.
As the world population soars, there is even greater demand for the food, fiber, and renewable resources produced in the United States. Agriculture provides almost everything we eat, use, and wear daily and is increasingly contributing to fuel and other bio-products. Each year, agricultural industry members gather on this special day to promote American agriculture, which helps educate millions of consumers.
The National Ag Day program believes that every American should:
- Know how food, fiber, and renewable products are produced
- Value agriculture’s vital role in a strong economy
- Appreciate growers & producers who work tirelessly to provide us with a safe, abundant, and affordable food supply
- Acknowledge and consider career opportunities in agriculture
By far, the most compelling part of this program is its role in helping spread the word. A few generations ago, most Americans were directly involved in—or had relatives or friends involved in—agricultural-related endeavors. Today that is no longer the case. Thank you for joining this effort to promote American agriculture!
To learn more, visit
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – recognizing and celebrating the abundance provided by American agriculture.