New legislation looks to put an end to Kentucky honey production restrictions

“There are 24 states that have no regulation at all. This is a step towards that, hopefully.”

Kentucky lawmakers are looking to raise honey production thresholds they say are holding back the state’s beekeepers.

A bill would raise the threshold for certified honey house and permit requirements from 150 gallons per year to 500. Kentucky is currently considered one of the most restrictive states, tied with Tennessee and second to just South Dakota.

Kentucky’s honey industry says that the threshold holds back more beekeepers than you might think.

According to Scott Moore, Certified Kentucky Honey Producers Manager, “It catches quite a few people and over the 23 years that this law has been in effect, a lot of beekeepers adjust because a certified honey house runs upwards of six figures, about $150,000, rough estimate. So, they just kind of stop producing at that 150 and go into other areas of beekeeping, such as selling bees or queens and things like that.”

While some Kentucky beekeepers diversify their income outside of just honey production, others have chosen to leave the state entirely. They have chosen neighboring states like Ohio and Indiana that have an unlimited production ceilings.

“There are 24 states that have no regulation at all. This is a step towards that, hopefully,” Rep. Jason Nemes adds. “Honey, obviously, is a very safe product, and we would like to go there ultimately, but right now we’re going to the 500 with this bill.”

Kentucky is currently home to approximately 3,000 beekeepers.

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