Proposed changes to SNAP met with pushback

Washington Capitol

With roughly six months left before the current farm bill expires, lawmakers are discussing ways to save money on the trillion-plus dollar legislation.

Ranking member of the House Ag Committee, David Scott, says proposed changes to SNAP are not a new discussion.

“Every farm bill, it comes up. It’s almost like it’s an enemy because it’s the same thing in 2018 under Trump’s farm bill, and we have the same thing now. We got Dusty Johnson on my own Ag Committee coming out with this proposal. Listen, we need to finally accepts SNAP, and right now, the last thing we need to be talking about is trying to get people off of SNAP,” Rep. Scott said.

Work requirements for participation in SNAP are again front and center. Representative Scott says there are already work requirements in the current bill.

“Currently, SNAP has a time limit on benefits that prevent non-disabled adults between the ages of 18 and 49, without children at home, they cannot receive SNAP more than three months of every three years unless they are working at least 20 hours per month,” Scott said.

Representative Scott says instead, he wants to focus on keeping small family farms in business, noting many have not made much profit since the last Farm Bill was signed into law.

“We have got to look at our system and provide help and strength where the need is the greatest, and it is helping keep our small family farms in business. And I will tell you this: there’s no way that we are going to accept any cuts in this program,” Rep. Scott said.


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