As a spin-off to the popular television series, FarmHER on RFD-TV, RanchHER profiles the extraordinary women of the ranching industry — highlighting their grit, grace, and glory. But the show isn’t limited to just ranching. It offers an intimate look at family life, day-to-day operations, industry policies, and community.
Each of these women plays an important role on her ranch and in the industry as a whole, and we want to tell their stories. Hosted by Kirbe Schnoor, RanchHER celebrates ranching culture and Western heritage through the eyes of the woman.
“When we started filming RanchHER, the predominant goal was to educate viewers on the livestock industry,” said Kirbe. “Knowing that ranching practices differ nationwide, I thought it would be amazing to shed light on that through the RanchHers across the country. As time has gone on, the show has evolved to focus on the stories of the individuals and how the Western industry has shaped each of the RanchHers into the woman she is today. The love they express for agriculture, livestock, and Western culture is reflected in everything they say and do.”