Rep. Tracey Mann introduced legislation to remove lesser prairie chickens from the Endangered Species List

“It just makes no sense at all.”

Congressman Tracey Mann has helped introduce legislation to remove the lesser prairie chicken from the Endangered Species List and prohibit its future relisting.

He explains how the listing has impacted his state’s cattle producers.

“I had a farmer in Morton County, which is about as far south and west in Kansas that you can get, told me that after these regulations went through somebody spotted a lesser prairie chicken in his pasture. He had to immediately remove all of the cattle in that pasture and each of the adjoining measures as well to protect this bird. It just makes no sense at all.”

Congressman Mann says that burdensome regulations are unnecessary when rural Americans are already committed to the cause.

“These programs need to be, these efforts need to be bottom-up producer-driven. I’ve never met a farmer, rancher, ag producer that doesn’t care about the land, doesn’t care deeply about the environment, doesn’t care deeply about their soil. When you really look at the population of the birds, they go up and down based really on rainfall. In years that we drought, which we’ve had some severe droughts the last three or four years, the population goes down, and when the rainfalls up the population goes up. But these heavy-handed top down burdensome regulations make no sense.”

It is believed that lesser prairie chicken populations today exceed 30,000 animals in five states.

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