RURAL AMERICA LIVE with Patrick Gottsch

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

8:30 PM ET | 7:30 PM CT | 6:30 PM MT | 5:30 PM PT

Encore Airing: Thursday, March 12, 2020

10 PM ET | 9 PM CT | 8 PM MT | 7 PM PT

Monday, July 6, 2020

8:00 PM ET | 7:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM PT

Attention Viewers!

Tune in to a very special Rural America Live with Patrick Gottsch this coming Monday night at 8 PM Eastern, 7 Central time. Patrick will be updating everyone on our one and only, last chance to get protection for rural programing by attaching our bill to the next stimulus package. The major urban media companies are lobbying hard against passage of this bill. Tune in to get the facts and see how you can help get our bill across the finish line.

As always, Patrick will be taking your questions live on the air. Join us and let’s make sure that rural programing is protected. We are the only ones who can make sure that there is not a wall built between urban and rural America!

Contact your Congressional Representative and Senators Now!

  • Step 1: If you do not know who your Congressional Representative is, enter your zip code HERE to find out.

  • Step 2: Look up your Congressional Representative (search by State and District or by Last Name) and find their contact information HERE.

  • Step 3: Look up your Senators by state HERE. Their contact information can be found (in most cases) by clicking the “Web Form“ link below their name and photo.