Sen. Boozman: “Farmers across the country need a bridge to help their family farms survive into next year.”

The ranking member of the Senate Ag Committee is calling for emergency assistance for America’s farmers. Senator John Boozman says that producers need protections in place until a new five-year Farm Bill can get passed.

According to Sen. Boozman, “First, we need to provide emergency assistance to address the economic losses that farmers are facing associated with the 2024 crop. Even with record yields, farmers are still not breaking even. This is not a crisis that they can handle in any way, insure themselves, or conserve their way out of it. Farmers across the country need a bridge to help their family farms survive into next year. We’ve seen previous ad hoc assistance programs established in a period of weeks, as demonstrated by then Secretary Perdue when the COVID-19 pandemic created disruptions for producers.”

Boozman took to the Senate floor to tell his colleagues, ad hoc assistance is no substitute for a new five-year Farm Bill. House Ag Committee leadership agrees.
He says that Congress needs to double down its efforts before the year is up to get a new Farm Bill on the books.

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