Setting The Record Straight: Debunking Myths About Agriculture


Recently, a New York Times editorial tried to blame the agricultural industry for the world’s climate woes. It was a fourteen-minute video called “Meet the People Getting Paid to Kill Our Planet.”

These accusations are based on a number of myths about agriculture that are being tossed around; we thought it was high time to start debunking those myths. So, we brought in industry leaders and experts for a Rural Town Hall to do just that!

Myth #1: Agriculture is Responsible for the Majority of Emissions

FACT: According to the UN, agriculture is the only sector that has not increased its emissions footprint since 1990.

Myth #2: All Farming is Industrial Farming

FACT: 96% of cattle producers are family farmers and ranchers.

Myth #3: Methane Contributes to Warming as Much as CO2

FACT: Methane dissipates from the atmosphere at a much quicker rate than other greenhouse gasses.

Myth #4: Agriculture Harms Animals

FACT: The economic incentives alone dictate that animals in the ag industry are well-cared for.

Myth #5: Agriculture Damages the Land

FACT: Agricultural success depends highly on careful care for the land.


The House Ag Committee reacts to NYT opinion piece attacking ag industry

“Threat To Ranchers Livelihoods": NCBA responds to NYT blaming ag for climate woes

You can watch the full Rural Town Hall below:

Rural Town Hall: Ag and Climate Change pt 1

Rural Town Hall: Ag and Climate Change pt 2

Rural Town Hall: Ag and Climate Change pt 3