Let’s check back in with Iowa Soybean FarmHER April Hemmes for Women’s History Month this year after she was featured on FarmHER Season 1.
Congratulations on this well-deserved award!
Anna Rhinewalt, a sweet potato and soybean farmer from Sandy Ridge Farm in Senatobia, Mississippi, is being recognized for her positive contributions to her local and state agricultural communities.
The Iowa Soybean Association shows us how one company, Benson Hill, is helping farmers grow soybeans with a specific purpose.
The Kienholz Family of Red Rock was recognized as Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s District 7 Farm and Ranch Family of the Year at the organization’s 83rd annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 9, in Oklahoma City.
RFD-TV ag legal expert Roger McEowen examines common issues facing farmers, ranchers, and rural landowners: SAF fuel, R&D credit, drones, and cleaning fencerows.