Spending plan passes through the Senate but doesn’t include additional protections for farmers

A government spending plan is on its way to the President’s desk after the Senate’s late-night approval, but it does not include any additional protections for farmers.

Since lawmakers returned to the Hill, they have been focused on spending bills to keep the government open. The plan, passed last night, keeps spending levels in place through the end of the year. No additional help for farmers was included despite requests from farmers and ag groups.

The Farm Bureau is still pushing for a five-year farm bill but hopes lawmakers can get a farm bill done during the lame-duck session after the election.

“We continue to push for that. Our members want that. We also acknowledge that there is a chance that it won’t get passed or that they won’t get one done by the end of the year, which is why we are calling for stronger economic and disaster assistance in a final FY 2025 package,” said Emily Buckman.

Most lawmakers left town late last night after the votes were in, and they will return after the election for the lame-duck session.