Still At Odds: Differing opinions from the Senate over Farm Bill details

Crop insurance is one of the factors in the way of passing a Farm Bill and lawmakers are still at odds on the matter.

Senate Ag Committee Chair, Debbie Stabenow, has proposed to provide a larger variety of more affordable crop insurance options for producers. However, the plan could force producers who want to enroll in the new crop insurance to opt out of ARC and PLC.

Senator John Hoeven out of North Dakota has already stated the plan will not work.

Senate Ag Committee Ranking Member, John Boozman, says he doesn’t have an option right now, but he was happy to see a proposal aiming to break the Farm Bill deadlock.

Senator Jon Tester out of Montana wants the reference price for wheat to be higher. Stabenow says she is not opposed to higher reference prices, but she is more focused on what’s best and most effective for farmers.


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According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, no part of Iowa is experiencing extreme levels of drought for the first time in nearly two years.