Cattlemen to Cattlemen
Show Times
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is proud to present “Cattlemen to Cattlemen,” a television show for cattlemen created by cattlemen. Hosted by Colorado cattle producer, Kevin Ocshner, NCBA’s Cattlemen to Cattlemen is a leading source for cattle industry news, information and education.
As the trusted voice of the U.S. cattle and beef industry, the NCBA strives to share timely, relevant news. NCBA’s “Cattlemen to Cattlemen” is the leading TV show for beef producers to receive cattle industry news, education, and information. READ MORE
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“Cattlemen to Cattlemen” is produced by a team with decades of experience in the cattle industry who are committed to providing viewers with relevant beef industry news and useful production information.
As we learn more about the damages from the Panhandle fires, a Texas rancher shares how they’re managing herds with what resources they have left.
The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation has a wildfire disaster relief fund in place to help producers in need that are being impacted by ongoing wildfires like the Smokehouse Creek Fire.
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