COVID cases, deaths in rural America are slowing down

The rate of COVID infection in rural America is slowing down.

For the second week in a row, the number of new cases is down 20 percent. That puts rural America at numbers we have not seen since early November.

The number of deaths is also down, after reaching a record high earlier last month.

National data shows that the COVID surge, which began in mid-September, is waning.

Despite the reduction in cases, the vaccine is having a tough time finding its way to rural America. Some providers are having to get creative in delivering the jabs. The biggest obstacle is lack of supply. Providers hope more doses arrive this week.

One Pennsylvania hospital plans to roll out a mobile health unit when that happens. Doctors in other communities are reaching out to farm groups, trade unions, and churches to spread the word and to dispel myths and rumors about the vaccine.


Dr. Anthony Fauci on COVID spikes and understanding the vaccine