Thrifty Food Plan is almost done with its first review in nearly 50 years

The USDA’s review of the “Thrifty Food Plan” is almost done.

Secretary Vilsack made the announcement at a Senate subcommittee hearing this week, saying that this is the first review of the program in 45 years. The “Thrifty Food Plan forms the basis for efforts like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

According to the Ag Secretary, “This basically involves taking a look at the average-- an average American family of four, basically trying to determine what that family today in from a caloric intake is taking, and this is not what it should be, it’s what it is, what kind of capacity they have in the grocery store to be able to shop the full grocery store, and what the cost would likely be if they did so.”

Vilsack says that more information should be available this summer, so states are aware of any adjustments they need to make by October 1st.


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