“People’s Convoy” to arrive in DC on Saturday

A convoy of American truckers is now expected to arrive in Washington on Saturday. The “People’s Convoy” left the west coast last week and added more drivers along the way.

They are protesting COVID-19 mandates, much like the Freedom Convoy in Canada. That convoy has come to an end, but its impact is still being felt.

The livestock industry, alone, is now facing lower prices due to the blockades, and they are having to import feed from the U.S.

According to Dennis Laycraft, Executive VP of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, “We have a feed shortage in western Canada and we’re importing record quantities of feed grain. A lot of the distiller’s grains were held up as a result of some of the blockades. So, there’s pressure back into the system when you have more cattle in inventory. As they back up, generally, speaking, the price gets lower. Unfortunately, you start seeing impacts back on the market price as well.”

Green House Vegetable Growers says that the industry was lucky since the blockades took place in winter. “We were very fortunate that it wasn’t a peak season, otherwise the financial impact would have been much more detrimental. Roughly 80 percent of greenhouse produce grown in Ontario is shipped to the United States through the Ambassador Bridge. So, that did occur in our favor, that is was occurring at a slower time of year,” Stephanie Segave states.

Canada’s protests lasted three weeks, but industry leaders say that its memory and impacts will be felt for some time to come.


Day 11 of Freedom Convoy: how is it impacting U.S. ag?

Vaccine mandates in U.S. and Canada expected to add to trucker shortage

Alberta Cattle Feeders Association on the ripple effects caused by Canadian trucker protest