The U.S. wheat crop is more important than ever with so much of the world’s grain supply held up in Ukraine.
Nationally, harvest is almost two-thirds complete. It is just 2 percent behind this time last year, but some areas of the country are stalled because of the weather. USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey tells us more.
“We’re still waiting for the crop to mature in the North where it’s been cooler and wetter. We saw our first few fields of winter wheat being harvested during the week ending July 10th in Montana and in Oregon both at 1 percent harvested.”
Now checking on spring wheat, it looks good with 70 percent in that good to excellent category, but it is significantly delayed.
How is the winter wheat harvest looking in Kansas?
How is wheat harvest looking in the Bayou State?
Wheat In War: NAWG weighs in on the impact the Ukrainian War is having on the wheat industry