The final push to Election Day

Here is a look at how things are shaping up by the numbers, as candidates court the rural vote.

Ninety three million Americans have already cast their ballot, surpassing any record from previous elections.

A shift in ag leadership is at stake. Democrats need to pick up three Senate seats, plus the White House, to gain control of the Senate.

Republicans need to pick up eighteen additional seats to reclaim the House.

Today, President Trump has five campaign stops in four ag rich states. Former VP, Joe Biden is spending his day barnstorming Pennsylvania.

President Trump spent Sunday in the battleground states of Michigan, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida. In Dubuque, former China Ambassador Terry Branstad was in the crowd.

Branstad also holds the record for longest-serving governor in the nation, holding the position in Iowa for 24 years.

In an impromptu talk to the crowd, he touted the benefits of the Phase One China Agreement, he helped broker: “He [President Trump] had the courage to put sanctions on the Chinese to get us a fair reciprocal trade agreement, which we never had before, and it’s already risen the price of corn a dollar a bushel. Soybeans are over $10 dollars. They made record purchases.”

China’s purchases of corn are at an all time high of more than 8.5 million tons, and soybeans are off to their strongest start in history, as outstanding sales are double the levels seen in 2017.

As of September, the U.S. has exported $12.7 billion dollars worth of ag goods to China, but the country still needs to buy more than $20 billion dollars worth before the end of the year to live up to the agreement.

Former Vice President Biden is calling on some star power in his final push to Election Day. At a campaign stop in Flint, Michigan, former President Barrack Obama made his first campaign appearance with Biden.

He will hold another event today, but those details are still being worked out, and as Biden spends the day in Pennsylvania, he will enlist some help from celebrity Lady Gaga.

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