Planting season is approaching, and now is the time to make sure everything is on the up and up.
Tire professionals with Firestone Ag say it goes back to the basics when it comes to maximizing tire life.
“The main thing is maintaining proper inflation pressure. Having the correct inflation pressure helps them maintain traction in the field but also protects their durability and prevents irregular tire wear they experience on the road. Just having regular tire pressure checks and maintenance. Do a quick 15-minute check to ensure your tires are in good shape, and you avoid any kind of downtime in the field. We also have a seven-step checklist on our Firestone Ag website. Prepare your equipment before going into the field and when in doubt, you can always contact your locally-certified Firestone Ag tire dealer or get with our Firestone field engineering team, or on our website at to get more information,” said Bill Durivage.
Cold weather can have a big impact on tire pressure. Always keep them topped off because the structure of the tire can change in colder conditions.