This Week in Louisiana Agriculture

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This Week In Louisiana Agriculture explores the unique agricultural landscape of the bayou state. Every week, TWILA tells the tales of Louisiana’s hardworking farmers and ranchers, sharing their challenges and successes as they work to feed their neighbors and their country. Join hosts Avery Davidson and Kristen Oaks-White for the only show bringing Louisiana farmers and consumers together every week. READ MORE

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In a This Week in Louisiana Agriculture feature, reporter Neil Melancon delves into the struggles faced by rice farmers, shedding light on the mental toll it takes—a sentiment echoed by many in rural areas across the country.
Louisiana had an unprecedented number of 100-degree days this summer, and the long stretch of heat is taking a toll on ranchers across the state. Both hay quantities and quality are down right now, which could cause further weight loss for cattle in the winter.
The site somewhere in Vernon Parish is so old that agriculture was in a primitive form. Many of the tools and artifacts discovered at the secret site, which researchers estimate date back 12,000 years, were used in the preparation of food.
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