U.S. tractor sales are up, according to one report


Compared to 2019, U.S. tractor sales for December of 2020 are up 34 percent. That is according to a new report by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

In 2019 almost 245,000 tractors were sold; over 288,000 were sold in 2020. That puts an increase of sales at 18 percent.

Combine sales were also up on the year, an increase of 6 percent. However, sales for the month of December were down 2 percent.

For December:

  • two-wheel drive tractors that were under 40 HP-- increased 37 percent
  • two-wheel drive tractors that were between 40 and 100 HP-- increased 33 percent
  • Over 100 HP-- increased 22 percent

For the year:

  • two-wheel drive tractors that were under 40 HP-- increased 21 percent
  • two-wheel drive tractors that were between 40 and 100 HP-- increased 14 percent
  • Over 100 HP-- increased 3 percent

Four-wheel drive tractors were down 4 percent for the month of December, but increased in sales for the year by 4 percent.

Story via AgriMarketing