USDA Undersecretary Bonnie: “We’re still assessing the size of the impacts to agriculture and forestry.”

USDA is hard at work offering support for farmers impacted by Hurricane Helene. More than a week after its devastation, the agency is still working to grasp just how much has been lost.

According to USDA Undersecretary Robert Bonnie, “We’re still assessing the size of the impacts to agriculture and forestry. We know they’re significant. We know there will be short-term impacts and we also know that the impacts on farmer livelihoods will last for potentially years.”

With emotions running high, the stress of it all can be overwhelming.

“Some of our own offices which were in nearby counties have been hit by the storm. The USDA family and other counties stepping up to triage in field farmer inquiries. We know this is going to be hard for some time to come and people will need our support. That’s why I want to stress our Stress Hotline at 883-381-7243 if farmers need help. All they need to do is call 24/7,” Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack states.

Senate Ag Chair Debbie Stabenow says that she is committed to getting farmers and ranchers the emergency assistance they need as soon as possible.