USDA releases its America’s Farms and Ranches At a Glance report each year, giving us a closer look at the ag industry, and revealing trends and characteristics of family farms and ranches.
Contributors explain what kind of data it contains.
“America’s Farms and Ranches At a Glance is an annual report. The 2024 edition uses 2023 data, which is the most recent data USDA has from their ARMS survey. It comes out every year, and it looks at the characteristics of U.S. farms and ranches, generally looking at what farms produce, aspects of their financial situation, paticipation in federal agricultural programs. In other years, it was the Diverse Family Farms Report, but we’ve been putting out this report for a number of years,” said Katherine Lim.
Click below for the full report:
America’s Farms and Ranches At a Glance Report 2024