You can save fuel money this Memorial Day thanks to the E15 waiver

This Memorial Day, you can expect to save on travel thanks to the emergency E15 waiver.

And as drivers head out for their holiday getaways, Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, says summer E15 is now available all summer long. She highlights why E15 is important for fuel retailers, farmers, and American drivers.

“Retailers offering lower-cost E15 have to manage their fuel inventory months in advance. That’s why action on a waiver was needed well before the official start of the summer driving season on June 1. The economic benefits are significant. Not only is E15 a proven shield against turmoil in global oil markets, but it also supports economic growth across rural America, where biofuel producers and farmers are leading the charge for U.S. energy security. In fact, according to an analysis commissioned by Growth Energy, nationwide E15 would save consumers $20.6 billion in annual fuel costs, put an additional $36.3 billion in income into the pockets of American households, support an additional 188,000 jobs, and generate $66.3 billion for the U.S. GDP.”

Despite the current waiver lasting only a few weeks at a time, Skor adds there is still a push for a permanent, nationwide solution to guarantee continued access to this affordable and eco-friendly fuel.

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