Zippy Duvall highlights advocacy triumphs at Farm Bureau Convention

During his address at the National Farm Bureau Convention, President Zippy Duvall highlighted the organization’s crucial role as a national voice for agriculture.

He emphasized the federation’s commitment to uniting members, fortifying agriculture, and amplifying their influence to achieve collective goals.
Duvall proudly cited a recent triumph in advocacy, specifically on the Waters of the U.S. regulation.

“Part of our role as a national voice of agriculture is to rally our members to strengthen agriculture, to engage with our members, and to boost our influence and to achieve our goals. A powerful example of our federation’s strength is the advocacy on the Waters of the U.S. Rule. Together, we all saw a major victory at the Supreme Court on waters, the highest court in the land agreed with what we’ve been saying all along. The Justices unanimously struck down the EPA significant nexus test. That’s right, and they sent EPA and the coal back to the drawing board. Now, the EPA did come up with a new rule and it technically complies with the court’s decisions, but it still does not provide the clarity that we’ve been calling for. You can bet we will keep working to protect you from the threat and penalties of just simply farming your land,” Duvall explains.

The EPA’s stance on WOTUS continues to be a subject of concern for farmers, and as Duvall expressed, the efforts are ongoing to address the need for clear and farmer-friendly regulations.

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